Dr. Weiler’s Passion for Perfecting Smiles


Everyone has a beautiful smile within them, but not everyone has the confidence to let it shine. As an orthodontist, Dr. Weiler’s mission is to ensure that every single patient that comes through his doors for braces or Invisalign feels welcomed, validated, and assured that their concerns truly matter.

Growing up, Dr. Weiler was self-conscious about his own crooked teeth. Coming from a large family, his parents didn’t have the budget for braces. It wasn’t until dental school that he finally had the opportunity to address his smile. The day his braces came off, he felt a powerful shift inside and out and that very moment sparked a passion inside of him to help others experience the same life-changing confidence.

The best part of Dr. Weiler’s day is being a part of the moment when his patients see their new smile for the first time. “Our goal isn’t just to get to that one moment,” Dr. Weiler says, “we want to have a fun, wonderful experience along the way.” And in turn, he hopes to be the best part of his patient’s day, too.

Dr. Weiler embraces the unique challenge each patient’s smile presents, and he finds joy in every aspect of his work. His passion is fueled by a team of caring and skilled professionals who not only love their job but also look forward to making a difference in their patient’s day.

Outside the office, Dr. Weiler is a devoted family man. He married his college sweetheart, Brittany, 21 years ago and together they’ve created a life filled with love and laughter alongside their five beautiful children. From diaper changes to high school graduations, Dr. Weiler’s deep love for his family resonates in every interaction he has throughout his day.
There is a little bit of Dr. Weiler’s own journey in every smile he perfects, making the world brighter one smile at a time.